
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's been a while since our last post, and although silence on the interweb might make it seem like we haven't been up to much, it's actually quite opposite. In our 9 months (can you believe it's been 9 months already!?) we have captured so many amazing moments here through the lense of our Nikon. You've seen some of the best pictures here on this blog or on our flickr, but lately we've been feeling like so many photographs go unshared, tucked safely away on our external hard drive. In an effort to truly capture our experiences here we've decided to start filming our daily life and our adventures with our new Iphones. 

Without the obvious changes of the weather to signify a new season and the passing of time, we find ourselves nearing the one year mark on Oahu and can hardly believe it. We've decided to make a video every few months to illustrate the seasons of our life here.

I suppose if I could pick a name it'd be: "The sweet life of John and Rach" or "Don't hate us because we live on an island." Instead, I think we'll just let the video speak for itself and leave it untitled. This first video was filmed in only 1 weekend, but it really captures what this summer has been for us.


Untitled from John Whitaker on Vimeo.

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